
Fall 2024 

MCHS EOC Cram Sessions 

When: 3:30 to 4:30 on the following dates:

Monday, December 2nd: English II or Algebra I Cram Sessions  (Winch & H. Caughman)

Tuesday, December 3rd: Biology or US History Cram Sessions (M. Long & Rubin)

Wednesday, December 4th: Biology or English II Cram Sessions (M. Long & Arcovio)

Thursday, December 5th: US History or Algebra I Cram Sessions  (Rubin & Mains)

Monday, December 9th: English II Cram Session  (Arcovio)

Tuesday, December 10th: Biology or US History Cram Sessions  (M. Long & Rubin)

Thursday, December 12th: Algebra I Cram Session (Mains)   

Dear Parent/Guardian,  

MCHS will be providing an after school EOC Cram Session for all students that are currently enrolled in an EOC course. End-of-Course (EOC) courses are U.S. History, Algebra I, Intermediate Algebra, English II, and Biology I. If your student is taking one or more of these courses, then s/he will be taking a statewide mandated final assessment that counts 20% of the final grade. Therefore, it is highly recommended your child attends the after school EOC Cram Sessions to help remediate any gaps in learning by reviewing pertinent concepts that will be assessed on the EOC final exam. It is our hope that participation in this academy will help improve your child’s final EOC score.   

In the EOC Cram Session, your child will be provided face to face instruction with a certified EOC classroom teacher. Students will be expected to meet in the cafeteria on the day of the EOC Cram Session from 3:20 to 3:25 p.m. to check-in. During check-in, students will receive a free snack and will then be directed to their classroom location. Instruction will begin promptly at 3:30 p.m., where students will receive customized instruction with one-on-one feedback for how to approach and answer content specific questions.  

As an incentive for your child to attend the EOC Cram Sessions, students who attend all three cram sessions for a single course will receive an extra credit minor grade of 100 in that respective course. (If a student is in multiple EOC courses this semester, and attends 3 sessions per course, the student will receive an extra credit minor 100 in each of the courses) Parents, please note that students will be required to secure their own transportation if they wish to participate in the after school EOC Cram Sessions, as transportation will not be provided by the school. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the EOC Cram Sessions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Harmon via email at tharmon@sdnc.org or by phone at 803-364-2134. We wish your child much success on the EOC final exam and we are hopeful that your child will choose to participate in our EOC Cram Sessions. 

Tabitha Harmon, Assistant Principal

Mid-Carolina High School