snowman with laptop

Laptop Checklist for Winter Break:

Here are a few suggestions to keep your laptop safe over Winter Break:  

Do not leave it in a cold car, near a heater, or anywhere the temperature is extremely cold or hot.

Do not leave it at a relative’s house after you visit.  (Grandma, Aunt, etc.)

Keep your laptop away from little brothers/sisters/pets.

Do not allow other people to use your school-issued laptop.

Do not leave it plugged in the entire time.

Do make sure you turn it off when you are not using it.

Do not eat or drink near your laptop.

Don’t leave it on the floor where it can be stepped on.

*Important reminder:  If your child is a 9th or 10th grader, he/she should have a clear cover on their laptop.  If they do not have the cover they were given on their laptop, the warranty is invalid.  All students must have the clear laptop on their computer, or they will be charged $30 for a replacement.

***If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Felker at   Thanks!

Snowman with laptop