The School District of Newberry County will no longer send non-close contact
letters to parents informing them that a case of COVID-19 was identified in our schools.
We will continue to inform parents if their child has been identified as a close contact
(within 6 feet for 15 or more cumulative minutes). Please be reminded that you can
access information regarding COVID-19 activity in our district on the COVID-19
Dashboard located on the District’s webpage.
The School District of Newberry County continues to remind parents to selfscreen for COVID-19 symptoms each morning prior to coming to school. If your child
displays any of the following symptoms, tests positive, or is identified as a household
contact or close contact, please complete the COVID-19 questionnaire located on your
child’s school website and a school nurse will follow up with you.
COVID-19 Symptoms:
o Any one of these with or without fever:
New or worsening cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Loss of taste or smell
o OR two (2) of the following:
Sore throat
Muscle Aches
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
It is important that we all maintain heightened awareness as it pertains to
monitoring for symptoms, maintaining social distancing and wearing masks as any of us
can be around a positive case in any situation in our lives and not know it. Thank you
for your continued support of our school district. If you have any questions, please
contact your child’s school nurse or Tricia Ulch, School Nurse Coordinator (803-321-